About Me

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Mild mannered woman child by day. Insane cartoonist by night. Mel one day hopes to figure out the meaning of life, comics are a tool to accomplish this goal, while not taking herself too seriously. OR AT LEAST IT WAS. NOW? Now it is said crazy persons attempt at making a comic choir, Because we all sound a little less crazy when we sing the crazy TOGETHER. THAT'S how mob mentality works!

Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Plan pt4

Their is no sanctuary in true darkness. Also don't drink tea near your art.

A pause as the two parties stair at each other
She crashes through the stained glass window into the middle of the wolves!

The planner and The plan make a daring escape as the monsters behind them overtake the church.
*sigh* This comic is never going to be done.
Insert epic battle sequence.

A chain reaction.
Ninja deer escapes out the window with the babies.  The plan and the planner crash through the floorboards and into a cavern below. . . . .  such shoddy craftsmanship, probably not up to code.
And here the plan and the planner stayed 2012-2018.
Thats too long for any self insertion diary comic to be lost for.
To be fair 2012-2015 was a great time in my life.  I started working as a landscaper, taking adult basic education courses for the fun of it.  I learned that I wasn't as stupid as I thought I was in high school.  If I have the time, make some adjustments to how things are presented, I can get good marks in biology and even chemistry.  Math though!  ugh, I understand it better now, but its not me.  After the car accidnt I took some more courses incase I couldnt go back into landscaping with the plan to get into labratory tecnology.  Math mark still wasnt up to standard.  

Today I feel like my two trapped underground with no light or way to get out.

The egg is cracked and the planner drags him through the tunnel system.  They are guided by bioluminescent mushrooms growing off the floor.  As they reach an exit, in the distance, a lone wolf howls. 

Dispaire sometimes comes in the light after a fight.  
So long as I have hope by my side 
on the wings of the plan I can ride.  

I'm not there today.  
I'm still lost, 
the city doesn't need me, 
the sea drowns me, 
my forest offers no sanctuary,
and I don't know where to fly to next.

Another day.  Another day.  
I keep getting up in the hopes hope will stay.
Although I dont know where I am,
and soil slips through my hands like grains of sand.
I do what I can, where I am, with what I have.

Get up, get up, get up, get up,
Its the one thing Ive always been good at.

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