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Mild mannered woman child by day. Insane cartoonist by night. Mel one day hopes to figure out the meaning of life, comics are a tool to accomplish this goal, while not taking herself too seriously. OR AT LEAST IT WAS. NOW? Now it is said crazy persons attempt at making a comic choir, Because we all sound a little less crazy when we sing the crazy TOGETHER. THAT'S how mob mentality works!

Blog Archive

Thursday, May 07, 2020

cooking lessons and political cartoons

I have taken cooking lessons before.  They were really nice but resulted in a pile of recipes I don't really use.    I never have all the ingredients and they asked for specialty stuff that just ended up going bad in my cubbard 

If I could start again a million miles away?  Well there is have no way to gurentee that I would like it any better there now would I ?

 I may wind up in a land surrounded by dickwads.  Which wouldn't really be an upgrade from my pain at all.  Worse yet I could be American.  No offense, but your all crazy right now.  I'm being generous and assuming your not always starting fights at protests as I saw on the news feed.  What part of a fist fight is socially distanced people?

 I really have to limit my news intake.  it's far too easy for me to hit a wall of frustration I can't escape. 
Not in body or mind.  

I love walking. 
I go for alot of walks, touch nothing, and have only been yelled at once to stay home.  This is Canada.   We know not to be crazy in public, and then we plot the demise of dickwads in our stories, that or break all our pots.  


I need new pots and there are no garage sales this spring.
I have inherited a bunch of garden tools and old pots.
I think the moral here is, life has a way of working itself out.  It will be terribly inconvenient,  leave you in tears, and dissapoint you.  
Shit will be managed.
And that's all we can ask for somedays.

1 comment:

  1. For real news that is delivered in a style to make you laugh I wholeheartedly suggest getting your news from COMEDIANS!!!

    Jonathan Pie covers the UK, Lee Camp & Jimmy Dore cover USA. News with an extra large helping of sarcastic wit.

    I don't always agree with them but they make me laugh and think. I like that.

    All available on youtube.
