About Me

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Mild mannered woman child by day. Insane cartoonist by night. Mel one day hopes to figure out the meaning of life, comics are a tool to accomplish this goal, while not taking herself too seriously. OR AT LEAST IT WAS. NOW? Now it is said crazy persons attempt at making a comic choir, Because we all sound a little less crazy when we sing the crazy TOGETHER. THAT'S how mob mentality works!

Blog Archive

Monday, January 06, 2020

Chronic pain year 4

I am much better than I was.
I am past a major plateau that would lead me to smoke pot to end the pain.
I no longer take pain meds that would eat at my stomach leaving me constantly hungry.  The only remedy being sourcrout.  I am sick of sourcrout.  I have bought many boxes this year in an attempt to make managing my house easier.  This is a failure thus far and has left me mad, frustrated, and uncomfortably fearing for my sanity.  
One day this will be funny.
One day I will laugh at all of this and make you all laugh about it. That is the goal.
Today is not that day.

I have tried the yoga.  
The yoga is the good shit both before and after the accident.
Please never ask me this question again.

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