I went to Vancouver this week for a medical appointment. Afterwards I met with a friend and told him about my plans for Say Hello Comics. Essentially Im practicing basic marketing and networking skills but in the safe loving arms of familiarity. "Ive known you for years, but we rarely meet and talk, I get to hear about your adventures, eat pizza, and you'll tell me the best places to put up flyers?" THIS! This is how comfortable I want to feel when I hand out resumes and network with people. BREATH MEL BREATH!
I walked around Vancouver and risked breaking some laws by putting up fliers. An activity that would of caused me no pain three years ago left me on the floor of my hostel stretching in pain. The next day I tried useing some oral THC spray to relieve the pain. It was marginally effective, took off the edge, but Im not fond of walking around a strange town with my brain in a mild haze.
I have realized the simple beauty of the name 'Say Hello', which by the way was the original name of my comic on drunk duck back in 2009, originally I chose the name because I had no idea where I wanted to go with the comics. With a name like Say Hello I felt free to be as random as possible. What I did not expect was complete strangers to walk up to me, take one look at the poster, and say hello.
THIS THE BEST NAME EVER!!!!!!! IM A GENIUS!!! The name does half the work for me! Which is just perfect for a shy loudmouth like me. Now to wait for the submissions to flow in. Thats right people. Im doing this for people to join my ranks of wannabe webcartoonist status. You have no webcomic of your own, want to draw traffic to your personal webcomic but have a comic that dosnt work with your brand, you want to share your heart with the world but your afraid to put your name on it (we accept anonomouse submissions.), send the comics to me! create a write up, artist statement, and link to your personal work. dodooooooo ittttt!!!!!
All I ask is you dont send me sexies jokes.
I understand none of the sexy jokes.
I want to write my own.
IM 32!
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